

6 quick and healthy breakfast recipe ideas

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If you’ve got in a rut with your breakfast routine, then these 6 quick, delicious and healthy breakfast recipe ideas will get you on the right track. While I pretty much always share beauty content on A Woman’s Confidence, I thought I’d mix my content up a bit and share a post about one of […]

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How to set goals and achieve them

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Have you ever set yourself goals only to never see them through to completion? If this sounds like you, then this blog post is here to give you some handy pointers on how to set goals and achieve them. Whether you’re looking to set yourself some ambitious personal goals or give more structure to a […]

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Beginner workouts to try at home without equipment

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As England is still in lockdown, we are having to stay indoors a lot and minimise contact with others. This means that gyms and leisure centres are shut, so people are having to workout at home. Besides going for walks or jogging, getting in exercise at home can feel difficult if you’re used to going […]

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50 amazing affirmations for self-love, success and confidence

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To help you remain in a positive mindset throughout the day, I’m sharing 50 amazing affirmations for self-love, success and confidence. Affirmations are simple, positive statements that you repeat to yourself every day that can help you overcome negative thoughts. They aim to inspire, instil confidence, attract success and promote self-love. Affirmations can be short […]

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